Atelier Voice product strategy
Mardi 23 Octobre à Lyon
Cet atelier sera en anglais
Nous nous réjouissons d'organiser en partenariat avec La Cuisine du Web, dans le cadre du Off Blend Web Mix et avec Invest In Lyon, un atelier, en anglais, sur la conception d'interfaces vocales.
La conception pour Siri, Hello Google, et autre Alexa n'auront plus de secrets, après cet atelier mené par un expert du domaine, qui a dirigé les équipes de Microsoft et d'Amazon depuis de 20 ans, et qui vient spécialement depuis Seattle, US pour nous.
Voice Product Strategy
The new world of voice-driven products is exciting and the opportunities are many. Voice is not web or mobile, though, so some of the the considerations and steps are quite different. This workshop will introduce you to the key questions you need to answer and concepts you need to know, and then help you get started on crafting a good offering. We'll work through what you can and should offer now, why and how, and what you will be able to offer in the future.
About Phillip Hunter
VP of Product at Pulse Labs (
A technology product design leader for 20 years, Phillip is at a fourth start-up growing its offering to customers. Pulse Labs assesses and helps improve the experience of using AI-powered digital assistants such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. Previously, he and his team guided the experience direction for how people build and use Amazon Alexa Skills. A veteran of small and large companies, he is passionate about how teams work, how to understand and influence complex systems, and the little details of product design that make big differences.
Phillip loves living, creating, and working in Seattle. He is an active member of local and international design communities. He also fancies himself a songwriter and photographer, and a skilled maker of bad puns.
Mardi 23 octobre 2018
14h : Accueil des participants
14h30 : Début du workshop
Part 1 - Background
Part 2 - Get "brains on"
Part 3 - Reflect and practice
18h30 : Apéro et networking
The Lyinc
2 place de la Bourse
69002 Lyon
Tarif normal - 80 €
Early Birds - 65 € (10 places seulement)